
  • Healthy Smoothie Bowl Recipes

    Healthy Smoothie Bowl Recipes

    Healthy Smoothie Bowl Recipes With summer arriving you may be looking for a fresh, healthy and of course tasty alternative to the usual morning toast! Introducing our healthy smoothie bowl recipes! I certainly look to switch up my meal plan when the hotter weather starts to roll in focusing on lighter bites, fresh salads andRead…

  • What is 12-3-30

    What is 12-3-30

    The 12-3-30 Workout Another day, another viral workout. The 12-3-30 workout is the latest in a long line of fitness fads, but does it work? What are the benefits? And should you be incorporating it into your workout routine? What does 12-3-30 involve The 12-3-30 method involves setting a treadmill at a 12% incline atRead…

  • Huel: Fitness Fad or Fitness Necessity?

    Huel: Fitness Fad or Fitness Necessity?

    Huel: Fitness Fad or Fitness Necessity If you aren’t big on meal planning and cooking then Huel might just be the answer you are looking for. Huel bills itself as the ultimate meal replacement shake and a convenient way to manage your weight and improve your nutrition. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits andRead…

  • Why Tracking Performance in the Gym Matters: The Best Methods and Apps for Fitness Tracking

    Why Tracking Performance in the Gym Matters: The Best Methods and Apps for Fitness Tracking

    If you’re serious about your fitness goals, tracking your progress is essential. By monitoring your performance and fitness data, you can identify areas of improvement, stay motivated, and adjust your workouts accordingly. After all, if you don’t know what you did, how are you going to know what to do? In this article, we’ll exploreRead…

  • The Best HIIT Workout and Interval Timer

    The Best HIIT Workout and Interval Timer

    What is a HIIT Workout High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) seems to be an ever growing and ever popular workout method that involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest or lower intensity exercise. HIIT workouts typically last between 10 and 30 minutes and are designed to improve cardiovascular fitness, increase muscle strength,Read…

  • What is the best gym workout plan?

    What is the best gym workout plan?

    Introduction Are you looking to get the most out of your gym workout plan? With so many workout plans and routines out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this article, we will answer some common questions about gym workouts and provide some guidance on the best workout plan for yourRead…

  • The best diets to lose weight.

    The best diets to lose weight.

    What is the best diet to lose weight? The fitness and health market is rife with various fad diets to lose weight ranging from carbs being good to carbs being the devil, intermittent fasting and variable eating windows, 5:2, vegan, paleo, weightwatchers…The list goes on and on. The underpinning factor to all of these dietsRead…

  • 5 Reasons why you are not losing weight.

    5 Reasons why you are not losing weight.

    What are 5 key reasons you aren’t losing weight. The not so calorie conscious calorie counting: You’re in and you’ve committed, you have downloaded that calorie counter you have heard so much about and you are ready to start losing weight by scanning labels and plugging in data like a pro. However, the key toRead…

  • Periodisation and Progression

    Periodisation and Progression

    The Ultimate guide to Periodisation and Progression “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Who knew Albert Einstein was the founding father of fitness programming?! Jokes aside, his quote certainly has resonance within the fitness industry and especially its respective workout programming, the cornerstone of which we call periodisation.Read…

  • Hitting your Protein Macro on a budget

    Hitting your Protein Macro on a budget

    How to Hit you Protein Macro on a budget We at VT2 Fitness know those budgets are tight, so in order to help you hit that protein macro on a budget we have done the leg work for you and broken down the cost per gram of protein across the 3 main UK supermarkets forRead…