About Us

At VT2 Fitness we believe in tailored programming specifically designed for you and your preferences, whether that’s through group sessions designed to periodise your training and ensure you progress up sustainably with individuals at a similar fitness level to you, or through a more tailored personal training approach, you can be sure that VT2 fitness will have you driving toward your fitness goals in an accepting, fun and social environment.

Our model is built upon the foundation of 3 key principles:

Fun, Structured and Effective Workouts

Whether you choose a workout program, group training or personal training solution with VT2, you can be sure you will be getting a well crafted, structured program rooted with proven fitness principles that get you results.

Our workouts are not only designed to test your body and push you to the next level, but are also built with progression in mind changing exercises and variables accordingly to keep your body guessing and ensuring you never get bored!

At VT2 our clients turn up to work hard, get social and have fun.

Support and Accountability

AT VT2 we offer you the support necessary to achieve your goals whether that’s through a 1 to 1 or a group solution you can be sure to have the support and guidance of a certified trainer to push you toward your fitness goals.

Our training is also accompanied by a set of tools to help you track and monitor your progress with trainers regularly checking in to monitor your results and make any adjustments if necessary.

With the right workout, the right tracking and the right adjustments you can be sure to get yourself on the path to fitness success.


At VT2 we try to build a community feel keeping an active presence on social media and providing useful fitness insights through our blog. If you choose a group fitness or a personal training solution you will also gain access to our private Facebook page. From here you can keep up with the latest VT2 news, share your experiences and keep up to date with the latest social events

Those embarking on a personal training program will also have their trainers contact details who will be free to answer questions, provide adjustments and keep you on track at all times.